The 2022 Warren Township Democrats Holiday party was exciting and enjoyed by all! We also sincerely thank our host committee and event sponsors.
Host Committee:
Lake County Board Member Carissa Casbon and Larry LaTourette (Platinum), LC Board Member Diane and Hon. Mike Hewitt, Lori Moss and Gary Oltmans, Hon. Lauren Beth Gash, Hon. Nancy Shepherdson. Bonnie Berger-Neel and Hon. Jim Neel, State Representative Joyce Mason, Warren-Newport Library Board Trustee Celeste Flores and State Central Committeeman Thomas Maillard, State Senator Mary Edly-Allen, Indivisible Western Lake County (IWLC)
Jeff Smith, Sandy Orr and Bob Drake, Terry Hall, Rich Garling, Erin Cartwright Weinstein and David Weinstein, Lake Dems, Judy Rosowicz and Mark Steinlein, Diane Surufka